Sunday, August 5, 2007

Meditation- and fasting

Osho...the name itself conjures so many reviews, so many opinions, so many emotions!!!
It did that to me too...For me as a child ,Osho was all about controversies, none of which I had proofs of...absolutely no idea if he even existed, cos our travle and geographical ventures ended with our good old city...what happened outside didn't register in our lil minds! Thank God!! it didn't register....for then I would have been so ignorant, and very biased...A chance reading, a book picked up by me, while I didn't have all those mushy novels of mine...a great influence from of my friend...thank god!! I did read it that day..I realised there is a whole new meaning to every word that is said...its upto u to form your opinions on them, but there is no way I can tell what they r like to read....

This is an excerpt from one of his books...
"Consistency in inconsistencies- That is why I talk about fasting. It is an action, a very deep action. Taking food is not so great an activity as not taking it. You take it, and then you forget about it; it is not much of an activity. But if you are not taking food, it is a big act; you cannot forget it it. The whole body remembers it; each single cell demands it. The whole body gets in a turmoil. It is very active - active to the very core. It is not passive. "

No one can know about this action better than I...I think even the old man at home knew about this action....cos he very strictly, told another, not to let this lil person fast.....if u do ur in trouble...heheh....its a very mild word...

I could stay without food....without realising it....the whole day....working on sleep, no food....( though the tea would just keep filling all the spaces ) but the minute some thing was said about fasting!!! God help me!! My insides would be in turmoil....such pangs that one would never understand...hunger is so potent...only a hungry person'll know ...
and for the betterment of the One above....don't expect me to fast....I'll forget Him and just meditate on just FOOD....

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