She looked at the phone in her hand, she wanted with all her might, to not say the words, she had thought to say. She had all her life spoken the truth. Dreading that a lie would break her apart. How could she break the news to him, without hurting him.
She saw ahead of her …two diverging paths. One led her to lie and keep him happy, but she would live a life of regrets. The other more painful for her. She had to keep her life going forward, on smooth well-oiled wheels, or should she chose to ruin the happiness he was living with, and tell him the truth.
If she chose the first, there was every reason that she would be in misery and he in bliss, living a lie? The truth would hurt him and her too, but at least it would give her a will to carry on, knowing that she had tried….and learn to live through forgiveness and the wishes for him to carry on
What could she chose?
Writer's Island put up a prompt "Fork on the road" and I thought of this that could be go well into that
Great piece. Had me hooked.
The key there was, she saw ahead.. not just the fork..
Loved this!
Well--the answer depends on what she really wants and how much she loves him.As i see it--either she cn sacrifice her happiness--or she can hurt him.Cant she reconcile--change the situation a bit--and make that situation happen--where he and she both are happy?
here, i see she has already made her decision. she was over it now..
i think she's chosen her path...
sometimes...the truth hurts but living a lie could be worse...
what suspense..prats! there a part 2?
@forgetfulone Thank you
@rambler Mmmmm she saw but could not decide
@ps thank you, but here I think she was undecided 'cos she wanted both to be happy but didn't know how to go about it
@gautami well! she could have been yeah....or else there would not have been a situation for making a decision I suppose
Living with regrets is a very difficult task. I hope she finds a way to reconcile her two paths.
the lady or the tiger!
both paths mean pain. and the path of lesser pain is not necessarily the better option.
i think yo uhit the nail on the head when you said that the best choice is the one where she can carry on with life happy that it was truth that she finally chose!
Well now, there's a dilemma! I learned years ago never to give advise to ladies. So all I will say is - love the pic!
such preponderance and you never even tell me the juicy bit that she thought maybe it would have been better to lie about!!!!! shame on you.... you know how nosy i am!!!!!
@robin Oh yes, regret can eat up a person's insides.
@guruprasad You've said it well. Less pain could mean a better option...and yes, truth should always take an upper hand
@keith lol..ever the gentleman!!
@paisley hehe....oh well!! who knows what her life would have turned into if she had lied...
superb prats, superb! You know it all depends on what she had to tell reminded me of an old Indian film, a regional film in malayalam called
Bharatham -
...if you ever get the chance, watch it.
Very nicely done. Whatever she picks I hope it is whatever makes her happiest.
Beautiful.. you bring the dilemma out so well and wise words.. truth can seem so difficult to divulge.. but is a lot easier to live with.. You should write short stories.. I would love to read
At the crossroad
A crossroad, for sure. She surely looked at her options...nice post!
Decisions, decisions. . . yep, they are the forks in the road!
Decisions, decisions. . . yep, they are the forks in the road!
This piece speaks to the reality that life is often not easy, but it is facing these challenges that sparks our growth as a humna being.
loved the illustration... ;)
@ul Thanks, and i'll try and go watch it...hopefully i'll be able to understand the language :(
@jadey Yes, its more important here for her to chose the right step for herself.
@preethi Thanks. Somehow I feel though it can hurt for a while, its always easier to tell the truth. And I think I should leave the story writing to you'll
@tumblewords sure she did.. thanks
@mary timme Most of the time I feel its these decisions that leave one at a crossroad. Thank you
@Rob So true. Life's challenges are what helps a human face the days ahead with more confidence .Thank you
a real conumdrum there,
This reminds me of the promos on telly for this new hindi series, it goes like, something something something, tho aap mera jagah hote tho kya karthe
Glad that such kinda mindnumbing forks don't appear that often.
@crafty green poet Sure is...thanks for dropping by
@J so you watch those serials...ehem!! aaiye dekhiye agale hafte lol
great piece!
And I so agree with Thinking_Aloud's comment.
@keshi Thanks a ton. maybe I should give it a try...
I object Prats!:) You know curiosity doesn't kill a cat, atleast not just like that. It puts a giant stone around its neck, puts the cat and stone into a gunny bag all sealed up and tosses it into the river... the thought is only as painful as where u left me - wondering what did she have to hide!!!! :(, at first I thought the lawyer cells were starting to creep into my mind...and I thought "Oh my God!!! I hope I'm not in for a lawsuit or something..then I realised...curiosity has its virtues too....bad ones!!!! tsk tsk.....let her be....does it really matter what she was hiding???? :))
Its a gamble! Sitting on the fence is never easy!
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