The Rules:
Link to the person that tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Non-important : What can be so nothing about being important I never found out…and I have tried to find the things that’s my quirks…. and when I saw the word "six" my mind just went all the way to Suma's post on her sonny boy...and what he had to say to this
One : I’m a TEA person. By that I mean, I can drink anything you give me called tea…it could be watered down brownish hot water, it could be dip dip dip tea, it could be masal chai, anything…I can drink it. No fuss and no shame. If someone were to ask me if I would like to have tea or coffee, I’ll just shamelessly say “ Yes! I don’t mind some tea! “ Even if I’ve had a mug a few minutes before. Tea being made and given by another person is a treat for me…and something I love.
Two : I love the smell of books. And have this vague habit of sniffing at the pages, or even soaking in the fragrance of old books, new , anything… books do that to me.
Three : I have to always sleep on the right side of my bed. If I have to change places for some reason…I’ll be so restless, that I can’t sleep at all.
Four : I have to open out all the doors and windows of my house as soon as I wake up, much to the irritation of my son, who thinks I’m crazy to let the cold breeze into the nicely warmed up rooms. The freshness of early morning air is so addictive, “sigh” he’ll never understand.
Five :I’m a very animated chatterbox. Hands will have to describe what my brains are setting out to convey. I can talk to myself if no fortunate soul is available ( but its more during stressful conditions or during the high energy-I’m-angry situations) and even then the hands will show me what I myself am thinking..
Six : I can remember small details on roads,( the road, dips twice and then bends to the right, where there is a small pothole,before you see a brown colored cloth hanging from the tree, that’ll have only 4 leaves…yes!! ) while giving directions to someplace…but I might not remember the name of the place itself. I few weeks back, I called for an autorikshaw and told him to take me to a location. I didn’t know the name of the place, but could describe the entire route to the T. He managed to take me there, and then when he dropped me off, promptly told “ MayDum! Ee Jaagakke, BEL circle antha heLthaare. Next time, a hesaru heLi “ ( madam! This place is called BELCircle, next time, say that name )
And this was me full face to you’ll
Now tagging
Guruprasad : The Daddy blogger!!
Keshi : Reveal yet some more!!
Barbara : Know how she travels, would love to know her more
Preethi : would love to see what Nantu has made her into :)
Keith : So much creativity, would like to hear the other side to him too
nice quirks.. :-D i am a coffe person, but since i am taking homeopatic medics now, no more coffee.. so, temoporarly switching to tea... and freshness of early morning air.. i love it :-D when i get up, first thing i do is to water my plants - and stand and breath the fresh,chill air :-D
:) so damn sweet! ...u r as weird as my mother...she had almost the same quirks...i feel for your son :)
interesting self observations.....
have noticed in so many mommy posts,how we all write'much to my son's/daughter's annoyance'....daddy dear is replaced...dethroned !!!!
same pinch on the animated discussion part,keeping my hands tied down in a discussion is a punishment..(its actually a secret to keep us quiet. shhhsshhh)
@xh Oh yes!! the breath of fresh chill air..mmmm thats a treat. And tea seems to be catching on :D
@tys hehe momma quirks?? Is it so bad?? aaaww...
@gazal hey thanks
I guess the daddy dear somehow seems to just fade into the background and maybe we can convince them easier than our kids.
And shhhh don't let out the secret!! I'm tongue tied if they hold my hands down
u, i, we all win hands Down...:)
I am lost without those actions...
smell of books...mmmmm...nirvana :)
cute!:) Btw, supermom.. that topographic ability of yours is absolutely praiseworthy... :) **clap clap clap** :) I, on the other hand get lost every single day on my way home in anew locality... ask viv:)
Quite some interesting quirks there.. especially with the roads. Whoever said women are bad at giving directions should reconsider.
Mera tag kabh poora hoga?? :(
Nice to know more about you..
the smell of the early morning fresh air,is something just too wonderful..staying near the beach in chennai the air carries a nice smell of the sea too !!
Is bangalore too cold for a madrasi,planning to be there next week
heyy... i love sniffing books too! hehehe...used to think i was weird for it! but i never buy or read a book without smelling the pages... :)
@TA hehe I like that, I guess books can just do that
@ziah *bows down* Thank you thank you...I understand your mumbai plight....have always gotten confused with the roads there...they all look so similar, how can you blame long as you reach home and get the much deserved snuggle from V...
@j Yes!! they better reconsider...Your tag will be done soon....
@CU oooh....the word beach will send me into another world...and the breeze from there wow!! lucky beachside peoples....Bangalore is warmer now, nothing you chennaites can't handle...!! that makes me feel better, nose in..yes thats a feeling I understand :)
ah about the windows/doors, I am totally opposite, I never let my parents open windows in my room, I hate the sound and dirt :)..
About the auto person, haha I can imagine how funny it would have been for him :D
@rambler coming to think of it, I was like you before I got married...don't know how things just went round one full circle. I can sense my mom with her smirk there..Though the dust and sound comes in later on...I can keep them open till then :)
The autodriver sure would have loved to hit me on my head...
hey this felt like reading about me.. i have to say I share most of these quirks too... :) thanks for tagging me.. this seems like fun !! will take it up
Cool.. I can very well understand your addiction to tea and books.....
Hey prats,
The 5th and 6th are so funny. especially talking to oneself when stressed and hands describing what the words have to say. I so try to avoid myself, i sometimes feel like poetry competition in school. But cannot give it up. Nice to know one more soul does that too. Very well written.
@preethi so now we have some more quirkies out here...but its fun doing must
@joy :)
@sumana Thank you.. et tu? Poetry competition..that was a good one lol
Mega interesting 'quirky' details abt ya Prats. Loved it!
btw I love the smell of books too :) And I'd love to see ur 'animated' chatterbox in action. LOL sounds really cute!
btw I hv done this tag ages ago...check this post:
After reading that u'll know how WEIRDer I am haha!
tnxx hun n hv a good wknd!
What great little gems! I'm more of a coffee person than a tea-head, although when I was in Delhi last year I did come across a great tea shop where I drank the most fabulous brews I have ever experienced.
I loved number six. It must help to know where all the potholes are.
I am honoured that you should tag me. I'll do it over the weekend. In the meantime if you are interested I did a thing on 'wierd facts about me' recently. If you want a look it's at
Hey, one and five are pakka pakka match. I have such a huge collection of tea now, cardamom, bergemot, cinnamon, cherry, tulsi, green tea plain or with mint, ginger and lemon what not!!! Whenever I have green tea with mint my husband teases me I drinking tooth paste... Grrrrr
You are a kannadathi!!! Nice to know :o)
Prats I could identify with a quite a few of these ... especially the chai. Same here woman! I'm pretty shameless about even asking for tea during a visit to someone's home if its not offered within the first 15 minutes :-D. I feel the most pampered when some kind soul takes the trouble to grate loads of ginger into a nice sugary cup of the brew. Btw, is the photograph in point four the view from your house?
@keshi...thank thank you!! Yes it woul dbe lovely even if it is to meet and animate hands :) Will read through and see how much weirder we all can get...
@keith Thank you so much. I understand that bit about small little tea shops...they are dotted all over and especially masala chai's ( tea with a dash of spices added.. ) mmm they can be yummy. And yes, I'd love to go thru that post...
@akshata Teat toothpaste!!! heheh that sure sounds funny, but i'm sure I would have been drinking even that :)
Yes i'm a kannadathi...though now blending into different cultures too
@madhumita Oh you do that too !! I'm sure one day i'll be shown the door...and all for asking for that one cup of tea :))
...and ebing pampered..of such luxuries...being handed a cup of tea...i'm sure you must be longing for that now...
and yes thats the view from my balcony early morning....the one bright spot in the middle of a terribly crowded locality
Uh oh!~! I had left a comment here earlier!In fact i thought I was the first to do so!Bad bad horrible blogger.
I love the smell of books too--and I too just HAVE to let in sunlight.:-)
Thanks for doing the tag!
cool :)
An unwelcome pest on your blog..and I already feel I am home :)
aww!!We love all your points!! You don't even sound like mommy?! You are a mommy already?!! :)
1-So we can start the tea association or something.. :)
2-I have been smelling the new book I bought last I know why!
3-you sound like my mom, she and dad have a fight almost everyday on the side of the bed they will sleep... Ya you guessed right, they both like the SAME side :) I have no idea how they survived for the last 25 yrs like this :)
er.. I CANNOT remember place nor directions *sigh- what to do :D
OK so I will be back when you post more :)
Take care~
@preethi Blogger problems, happens.
see we have been having similarities.. :)
@keshi :)
@veens Never Unwelcome....always can drop in...this mommy has her set of quirks doesn't she? Thanks for coming here...
You like tea?so do i.You are a chatter box ,so am i.You love fresh air?me too.So do we really qualify as quirks?
everything is the same -except for six! I cant remember a thing..I am so absentminded, I hardly know where i am going half the time..
Even I sniff at pages of books. The new ones. So when I say I'm dug in a book, I mean it in the literal sense ;-)
And I always have to get up on the right side of my bed. So whichever side I'm on, I crawl to the right and then step out :-)
I love this tag!
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