Right now all I feel like doing, is what the little girl in the movie "Corrina, Corrina" did. Whoopi Goldberg had taught her to close her eyes, and blow out her troubles...like when she was at a traffic signal.
When I saw this movie, it sounded so magical. Don't we all at some time feel like doing exactly that.
"Close our eyes, think of all our problems and then blow it away softly." It helps sometimes...to know that you were the one who knew how to deal with it.
Here I am sitting and procrastinating...like I have always done ( I know , its terrible..) especially when you don't want to do it, nor do you want to sit back and whine.
I was sitting here thinking I was a very capable person, able to handle so many issues at once... yes! at some time , they do call it - MULTI TASKING!! Most women are like that...And so are some men!1 I don't want to start a war here lol!!
But its natural...'cos someone I knew had told me when asked why they never saw the route in which they were going, while in a car. He had said, " Why Should I? I have enough on my head worrying about matters relating to my work and finance, etc...I think this is very silly for me to see where i'm going. Its enough if I know that my driver knows well! " At that time , it sounded very impractical...but yes! it made sense...'cos he would never anyway drive on his own.
Coming to me, I need to know, where I go, what I do and why I do??
I thought it was multi-tasking and yes! I was managing well...but then today, I had my bubble burst :( I know it sounds very insignificant...
But then at least there is a name to this...
I thought it was multi-tasking and yes! I was managing well...but then today, I had my bubble burst :( I know it sounds very insignificant...
But then at least there is a name to this...
While you folks go read it...i'll just finish up with
1. the article I was writing,
1. the article I was writing,
2. still trying to coax my friend who's online into going out for a movie,
3. wait for the cooker to finish its job so that I can switch it off..and get ready to go out..
4. while still trying to get some information for my husband who needs his project to be done,
5. read up my favourite blogs
6. think of what I have to write there
7 Chat up with my sister who's waiting for updates and and and......so untill the time I get my breath back...
its NOT difficult for me...its easier when I'm stressed...and when i'm full of work to do ...
Vacations are on...and so will my tasks get multiplied...yes..

I think i'm better off with NADD....it helps me blow away my troubles softly while I am cooking up a storm out here....
why does your life sound suspiciuosly like mine at thsi point of time?
Oh yes--and if you do discover the secret to blow troubles away do not forget to share it with me!!:-)
Have a great day & a good week.
hey you are super at what you do...in whichever way you do it...its just that sometimes people forget to acknowledge you for it...
blowing troubles away would be nice...if only it were so simple...:(
but have you tried blowing bubbles...very addictive...
and i think i have NADD too...;)
blowing truobles.. only it was as easy as blowing a horn :-D
i take pride in teh fact that i am an excellent multitasker.. so the terenal cook cum doorman is now handed with more jobs - a la eternal time manager, resource (psp. game boy) allocater etc etc...
The reality strikes back! :)
busy is the flavor of the month ;) You've got company.
Didn't read NADD becuase you and I are having identical days! You know, there must be something to the adage "A woman's work is NEVER done" ... I am my mother all over again sometimes ... multi task 24/7 and no days off. Sick, pregnant or otherwise.
Catch that movie Prats. Enjoy :)
You're one cool babe!:) I dont think you should allow yourself to get stressed on that to-do-list coz you ALWAYS deliver with pin point precision?? :):):) **Hugs!**:)
@ps thank you and yes!! the recipe shall be posted with due effect..
@TA that was a great pep...most time we set out to do what we do, with no returns in hand...and truly, I wish it were simple :(
@xh sounds too simple doesn't it anoop? Sometimes all we wish is to just sit back and let the tasks get done auto :)
@joy Oh sure they do, with an echo :D
@j hey, I did read your latest...sure looks like one busy time out there. You are one talented guy, very impressed with the Mixology
@madhu Oh Madhu... *hugs*
**I am my mother all over again sometimes ... multi task 24/7 and no days off. Sick, pregnant or otherwise.
I really hope you'll take things easy now.
Maybe you should do the movie too
@ziah. gee thanks babes...now i'm strutting around with a feather ...somehow that precision finish is all thanks to work under stress or limited time....I guess I can never do good for myself
take a chill pill!!:)
Awww..hope you are having a better day today!
BTW, in reference to your statement about men and women..check out the latest battles of the sexes (hum tum IV and V) on my blog. I think you might enjoy them!
Thank you thank you.. did you get to listen to both the tracks?? :D Eagerly waiting to pick up a new laptop and get started. sigh!!
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