Magdalene Chan - "Forgiveness"
“Forgiveness is the answer to the child's dream of a miracle by which what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is again made clean.” Dag Hammarskjöld
In Buddhism, forgiveness is seen as a practice to prevent harmful emotions from causing havoc on one’s mental well-being.[3] Buddhism recognizes that feelings of hatred and ill-will leave a lasting effect on our mind karma and instead encourages the cultivation of emotions which leave a wholesome effect.
Divine powers need to intervene, Cos I am a very religious person. For me religion means : my friends ( whether they r good or bad, they r my friends.I chose to make them mine, not the other way round )
Forgiveness is a virtue of the weak, and an ornament of the strong.
My parents - Their lives revolve around their children...I am one of them...I promised them that I wouldn't do anything in my realm to hurt them, and keep up this promise, I will, till my last breath...
My children : They r like my eyes, can't live without either of them. And I sincerely wish that I live upto their expectations, cos they know the world first from my eyes...and I will keep my eyes on them.
My dreams : They are unfulfilled, but my life isn't over as yet. I have a long way to go, before I say I can't anymore..becos, I dont know that word. "can't" I wasn't taught that well....
A few years ago, a very special person in my life told me, that even if it means you are inconvenienced, see that you bring happiness in others around u.I've tried my best so far...I was stepped on, walked over, taunted, emotionally harassed, everything, that another person maybe would have thought of ending it, ending his life....I didn't, just because I believed that God gave challenges only to those He believed had the strength to face them. And I believe i'm one of them, And I wont give up. This special person is "my father" ...one who i'll cherish and wish I would be like him always...
A very good friend, is someone who will reach out, not only to those in trouble but also to pat one on the back, to admonish one if they r wrong...and to stay away when they know, they should...
Friends cannot be forgotten, How can they? They were a part of this cycle of life...and if they forget, then the cycle is broken...but at times its needed for us to move away, move on, for ourselves and for the other too.
Forgiveness is a great gift. Even God forgives everyone, then who r we to go against that scheme of things. Are we greater than God!!! I dont think i've reached that stage as yet...And i'll continue to forgive...be it my friends, be it my family, be it my children or my own self....I'll forgive and still not forget...i'll forget the circumstances, but not the person, the situation, but not the hands that reached out, the harsh words spoken, but not the hurt I put them thru, the smile I bring on others, but not the smile I erase...But at the end of it all I'll ask God to forgive me...for being part of this ugly phase of hurt and betrayal, and to help me to move on..and pray that the situation will move onto higher goals in life...
Pray that God takes care, and gives everyone the strength to face life as it comes, live every moment for the people who depend on us, for every smile, for every step, for every blink of the eye...
Listening to Tanhaiyee, from Dil Chahta Hai
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