The pretty young thing Thinking Aloud has tagged me for the deadly sevens. I'm ever so greatful that you choose me to reaveal all and I hope I've done justice to it and unleashed myself appropriately :)
Tag Name
Seven Random and / or Weird Things about Me.
Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Well first of all got to let you in on a huge secret.."all the things that I thought were my trademark characteristics, turned out to be in the weird category :( and its gone and
burst my rosy bubble...
Well first of all got to let you in on a huge secret.."all the things that I thought were my trademark characteristics, turned out to be in the weird category :( and its gone and
burst my rosy bubble...
So turning all of you into more weirdness..or shall we say amusing habits (I don't want to drown in the splattered bubble)
1. Hunger!! If someone were to have taken a look at me while younger, i'm sure they would have assumed my parents starved me...but let me tell you, Food was one big YES on my list of wants... Had to eat as soon as the hunger clock struck..or else "move away, because the monster would rise"
There has been a situation where we as friends had turned up at this friends house for some project work, and he was giving us lunch...come lunch time and we realised, food was great but enough in bits...so I landed up eating all the rice, and left the rotis to the 2 other friends, much to the amusement of their cook... Now life's moved on and so has the stomach learnt its lessons...I just have bananas stuffed into slices of bread smothered with butter everytime i'm hungry. "Can I hear, the yuck!!!?? "
There has been a situation where we as friends had turned up at this friends house for some project work, and he was giving us lunch...come lunch time and we realised, food was great but enough in bits...so I landed up eating all the rice, and left the rotis to the 2 other friends, much to the amusement of their cook... Now life's moved on and so has the stomach learnt its lessons...I just have bananas stuffed into slices of bread smothered with butter everytime i'm hungry. "Can I hear, the yuck!!!?? "
2. I'm finicky about clean feet....the whole system can go on a strike, can be dripping with sweat and slush for all that matters, but I got to wash my FEET and then jump into bed....the rest can go for a long walk..."it can be surely irksome, especially if you're dead to the bones"
3. Time!! Can't handle anyone who can dilly dally with time...When someone gives a time , I got to go 5 or 50 mins earlier, it wont matter if I go there and wait for hours after that...I 'll just keep observing people and loving every moment, but Go I must.When my better half says "Why should you leave so early, anyway, they are going to land up late" , He just can't
understand....I need to stick to the Time...
understand....I need to stick to the Time...
4 "I'm sorry, I don't think its possible for me to do it" , " I'm busy, can you ask someone else" ...These are lines, I've not known...can't say a decent NO to anyone...if I have to and its a real sticky situation...i'm all stressed, sweating and heartbeats go way above the top...All I just need to say is a No..but I dont know how...i'm terrified of
disappointing the other. And there i'll be falling over my face , and reaching heart attack levels, but will go and do things for the other...(I'm sure my sons have only heard the NO more than the Yes from me....but I attribute that to momma quirks :) Don't all of us mommas do that?? )
disappointing the other. And there i'll be falling over my face , and reaching heart attack levels, but will go and do things for the other...(I'm sure my sons have only heard the NO more than the Yes from me....but I attribute that to momma quirks :) Don't all of us mommas do that?? )
5. I love to see others around me always cheerful....doesn't matter that i'm drowning in shiploads of problems, I need to do something to perk them up ( One day i'm sure , i'll be booted, but...until then) The satisfaction I get from seeing them smile, just overpowers all else..
6. Stress!! Well I think I go over the top with this...I'm forever stressed., i'm convinced even while sleeping, but not with naturally tense situations. Issues like my son breaking his bones, gaping wounds on the head, where the whole world is panicking, sees me move around like a Sadhu organising stuff, and bringing things under control, but watch me when the stock of curd goes low, I haven't organised a back to school party for kids, or there is not so clean bathroom....you'll be able to know what the word " Crazy" means...I go crazy...
7. Concerned people told me, that if I delegated tasks, my life would be easier and i'd be left with more time for myself. So I did...but then realised, when it comes to clothes being folded before being put into the wardrobes, i'm a picky woman. The towels have to be folded to precision...no skewed edges for me.. ( my maid, a darling otherwise, can't understand why I make her
do it only to re-do the whole thing again)
do it only to re-do the whole thing again)
And now while my eyes spot that lurking layer of dust on the table, you go ahead and decide whether anyone else who come in here to read ,would like to let us in on your random weirdness..
Conditions apply...try this if you're upto it, completely free of threat... and yes anybody who wants to try it, please do and let me know...(I need to be convinced i'm not the only one)
AND these wonderful people are hereby informed to carry on this weirdness announcements
Brown girls (Bringing in cheer ot her 25 year old self)
Spunky monkey (couldn't bear the thought of leaving him alone)
Bullshee (lets bring him out of the hot water)
Vinesh (enough of fruit juices)
Keshi (aaww...don't we need some fun)
J (on the rocks? )
Shoonyata (bring in the poet)
WOW!!!that was great!!!
firstly ahem *pretty young thing* thanks you for the compliment and for a job well done...
1...banana in bread...fine as long as you remeber to remove the peel ...
2..clean feet, take care u r not so tired that u dip into the toilet bowl...;)if u think it won't happen, my nephew has dunked his head...
3. ok...so when i come to your house, i'll be there 1/2 hr earlier...btw, this is where my kids come useful.everytime i'm late, i blame them
4...u too?...is that why u did this ...seriously, i wonder why no's to the kids and husbands come so effortlessly!!
5.aww...now that's not weird, that's awesome...:)
6.and 7 are completely like me...reinforces my belief that we must have got separated in some mela! what do u think?
loved every bit of it...now i think being 'normal' is weird...spread those cheers here too... *hugz* - suma
loved the list.Great list of CRAZY stuff and point no 4 is shared by me.I haven't learnt to say NO
Stress!!! So so familiar :) I know what you mean. Hmmm, I don't think that's a crazy trait.
Oh and i'm tagged, have two other pending ones.. will do all these together...........................
as soon as i'm back from Pune!
@TA heheh bread with banana along with the peel!!! nooooo, I know I'm nuts but not so bad...
Toilet bowl, hopefully I wont reach that state anyday
And yeah you better be there early or else!!!*hugs back*
@hiphop grandma Thankgod I'm not the only one...I had started feeling lonely up there...but thanks for upping my spirits
@J you bet U are tagged....three, wow!! now U can better get busy...we'd like to see your quirks too...and then feel all the more better :)
I enjoyed this quite a bit, when it comes to 1, 3 & 6, I am so glad I am not the only one around :) Nice to know you a little bit better...thanks.
I'm with you on no.3 & no.5.The other 'weirdnesses' seem totally bearable!Had done a similar tag sometime back--its buried somewhere in my archives.BTW I mailed you today.
@ul I'd love to say the same about you...and yeah, it sure is glad that we have company. hehehe
@ps Oh thank god, you really think so, so I can now go back to griining again...
I'm having some issues with the gmail, so am not able to access it properly...will read it after I rectify that problem..thank you
The dialogue "Apne paaon zameen par mat rakho.." must have been written for you :)
Nice post!
Visited from Suma's blog... nice post.. I especially loved the foot fetish.. I now have this feeling that my feet are dirty.. need to go wash it!!!
cute facts abt ya Pratts :)
OMG ur so like me! I hate going to bed w.o. clean feet...and if anyone with dirty feets sits on my bed, my face turns red LOL!
I used to be like u...not able to say NO to some ppl...not anymore. Now I ask em to get lost :):)
btw I hv done this tag ages ago...check here:
Enjoy the wknd!
@joy "Apne paaon zameen par mat rakho.."??? Wow!!!! How I wish, my life could be like that hehehh......
@preethi Thanks so much for taking the detour, great to have you here. Mmmm, yeah....feet, clean please...
@keshi Hey, thanks so much...I know it is difficult to say the NO word....maybe I should take lessons from you, what say???
I got a kick out of your list... Your feet thing made me smile, I don't do that, but had just noticed the other day how dirty feet get in flip flops in Florida. We had moved away from Florida 3 years ago and it was so cold all the time, my feet were always kept clean in nice warm socks... bit of a surprise to look down and see dirt, then I realized I had thongs on. Silly me.
@marcia lol, you are only talking of flip flops. Out here, I feel the dust creeps in through those shoes too...
Prats, it's Sujatha from a loooooong time ago! How are you??? Suk just sent me the link to your blog.
@sujatha...god!! can't believe, I find you here after so long...great to have you here...welcome...
Glad to meet a fellow foodie prats, If you read some of my randomness posts you would know how much of a foodie I am..
One thing I always hate, people who don't keep up time...
hello this is spooky, I am always stressed too...
good insights about you, prats! not very weird though :-)
i took your tag, it is up on my blog now...
Thanks! :)) And of course you can blogroll me. Thanks for that too.
We need to catch up - I have your e-mail ID. Will write to you soon. Cheers!
And now it's almost a month later, but happy birthday! See how I remember!
@rambler Spooked you didn't I....??
Went through your blogs, liked how you write...and yeah, I guess this foodie thing doesn't let go
@vinesh thanks for tagging along, and I have left a comment there....yeah, I guess for people who think they are fine alrite, I guess these started of ebing weird :)
@sujatha Thanks for remembering and wishing, though can't remember how you did it?? And please mail me...would love it
1. I live on kurkure and samosas for lunch when I dont have time to catch up on lunch between presentations! Bananas are atleast healthier! :P
2. Hope you dont force ur hubby also to follow this ritual!
3. Time.. the most precious thing you can ever gift for anyone! Good that you respect other people's time :)
4. Its harder to take a NO :) so glad that you make it easier for others!
5. bows and salutes the spirit!
6. Just go and buy a curd packet! Take it easy!
7. I always wonder why we need a maid at our house when my wife anyway monitors everything ! :) but something with women when it comes to orderliness and having it their way! may be i can never understand! :)
Great reading....seems like i know you ! will attempt the tag over the weekend.
So this is what I have to do eh??Interesting....I think I should do it!
P.S-I don't think the bananas and butter combination is disgusting at all!
@shoonyata Who knows, mayeb we actually do ;)
Thanks, I hope you can, its fun
@bullshee wow!!! bananas and butter isn't bad....this sounds great now...all my life i've only heard"yuck, how can u? ur mad" and such stuff....
@raghu Yes I know what you mean....for me, taking a No seems easier than saying it
And I actually have influenced the hubby into the feet cleansing...not directly, maybe he was a lil worried...so he just started
And yeah, you should do it...its like cleansing your soul hehehe
I have just done a Tag ree. Although this particular thread has a lot of potential. Weirdness be my middle name and all. Spunky W Monkey.
How could I possibly be left out! I'd have gotten lost in the woods, being the urban monkey I am.
@just jen Lol...this time i'm sure the weirdnes will overflow...but not to worry....bare feet does have its usefulness
@spunky Can't be left out yeah, and more the merrier.. :)
I'm seeing an uncanny pattern here! I suddenly realized from your posts that I think a lot like you! Ooooh, that's eerie! This looks like a list of MY pet peeves :-D :-D
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