Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mind talk!!

Keep Your Mind in the Middle of Your Tongue

This is what I read about in a meditation technique... ( don't ask me why, I was reading it in the first place??!!!! ) It goes like this...

With mouth slightly open,

keep mind in the middle of the tongue.

Or, as breath comes silently in,feel the sound “HH.”

I tried, really, I did...but then I was in tears.....My tongue was dry and I was thirsty...and I forgot that I was supposed to be meditating...I forgot the purpose and forgot the need..all I needed was a glass of water....

Did I do it right??? No!! How could I ???
How can one whose mind is always on a world tour, trying to gather the snowflakes from Boston, the dew from Delhi, the smell of the pines from Manali, the lingering fragrances of a long gone childhood nestled in the wooden flooring of and old house in Mysore.., the mouthwatering smells of the masalas, that those hotel guys make so early in the morning, that you're dying to go knock on his door and ask him for some.....How can I??,
When the mind is focussed on getting the folds on the towel right, I need to focus on the mind which is right now wondering if the sambhar should have 2 teaspoons of coconut or 3 or whether Gajar ka Halwa should be made today or tomorrow??!! I also was trying to look from the corner of my eye, if my husband would walk in to see his wife, doing some dog like poses!!!

How can I gather all of them from nowhere and bring it all in to the centre of the tongue...such a small space for undefined numbers...Wouldn't they get too crowded and start a war out there????
Is that why, I can't just stop myself from chattering, nineteen to the hands flying about in all directions trying to express all those words that can be fully understood even if I didn't show people the silly visual antics....

"What are you doing when you are thinking? Talking within. Can you think anything without talking within?"

This line I understood...oh so well....I do the talking, be it in the mind, mouth, hands, eyes..I do the talking!!!
So i'm still normal!!! Or am I???

Do you ever do the talking from within??


Rambler said...

I think that kind of concentration requires too much of practise :)

Regarding your question, I think I do sometimes hear the voices talking within, its so difficult to shut them off right :)

Anonymous said...

Practise helps quite a bit, five minutes every day and then before you know it you will be doing it eyes closed...

Concentration is difficult, in yoga that's why you have the balancing postures, physical stability first before stabilizing the mind, is how I always understood it..very nice post. Glad I got here atlast. Thank you.


Jaya said...

Prats, I do talking from within :) If I am not talking to someone else and not rushing after a deadline, I am talking in my mind. :) :) I think that is why all girl's blog depict life in general. We have so much to express :) Regarding meditation, I tried when I was in college. It needs lot of practise to really understand/feel what is written in a book. Here, have a glass of water.

aMus said...

when you learn, would you teach me please? because i do know i could never concentrate for long. It happens in conversation too..if one talks too long , my mind wanders...wonder how i ever listened in class?

and talking from within? do i ever not hear!!!!

the stygian sailor said...

i do talk. in fact there are many voices in my head.
thank goodness they are all mute for now :)

Prats said...

@rambler True true...lots of concentration...but itslike when you're told to do it....your mind goes for a walk..its those voices that give us company I guess... scientific explanations needed to prove anything to me...I know them, its just about so compelling to try and do all your mundane thought processes while ur meditating...

@ul Welcome here, and thanks. Yoga I have tried and it was successful until the last bit where they tried the "shavasan" poof!!! we were knocked out cold most days....wonder what my instructor thought of us :)

@joy You do?? Wow!!! I thought I was very lonely along that route...most days my sons's staring at me....his mom is making funny faces, hands are moving....

**I think that is why all girl's blog depict life in general. We have so much to express** I hope no one bans us after all the thinking and talking we do... ;)

@TA You ever think i'll succeed....??? You'll be the first i'll howl out to, not to worry... And classes?? are you telling you sat through!!

@stygian I like that mute thinking...does it mean, we don't get to see new posts...?? aaaw hope not?

Preethi said...

Just dropped by... I've tried a li'l bit of meditation myself. As you've said it so beautifully like a page taken out of Gray's poems, it is difficult to 'still the mind' when so much beauty is in this world for us to see,feel and experience. But someone showed me what it means to be at the present moment. let's try...I'm clapping my hands and you've to tell me exactly what u r thinking. be fast. What are you thinking now.. about 10 nows you've nothing to think about. The mind actually gets blank for a milli second. the knack of cont. this is the basis for meditation. mmm... loved writing here :)

Unknown said...

Meditation never worked for me.. the only time I meditate is when i'm stoned :P

I call it my introspecting time or whatever.

Preethi said...

hey.. nice read as usual
(btw i saw the other preethi's comment and freaked out!! i dont recall reading this, i dont recall commenting on this.. i promise!! :)
voices in the head? only like all the time.. and the wanderings of the mind are such a pleasure right???
i tried meditation long back.. when I was in school.. i went to a yoga institute to learn.. at the end of the course most people in the class had out of the body experiences (no kidding).. i had good fun watching all of them!! :)

Prats said...

@preethi Yes so true....when all we want is to capture that beauty within....and can't still the mind. Maybe I should try the clapping tech....
thanks for stopping by...loved reading at your blog...

@j Isn't that a way of meditation too...some might disagree...but me thinks, anything that can still your mind to nothingness can be called meditation...heheheh

@preethi heheh..I at first thought, not bad...preethi forgot something and got back to leave another comment....confusions...
And that yoga classes...did u sleep at the end too....

Tys on Ice said...

huh? oh sorry, iam pretty dense and hve no thought in my i found out tht this is actually a gud thing...go figure..

wht i do is i watch my thoughts...then like children who knows tht they are being observed, the thoughts become still...i keep watching the paths the thoughts take, without involving myself in it...its easy to get tricked coz mind is subtle and cunning in its nature to stay alive...just observe...its kinda fun...

but i dont even belive tht we got souls...i think its all delusions for continuity

now, put tht in ur pipe and smoke :)

dame's diary said...
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dame's diary said...

Hmm meditation...
I try really hard but my mind wanders mile a minute.
Keep trying prats:)

Prats said...

@tys **its easy to get tricked coz mind is subtle and cunning** perfectly said....Nothing can be as calculating as this mind of ours.....Your take on continuity put into pipe...heheh

Prats said...

@dames diary trying trying...still trying :)

Preeti Shenoy said...

As long as we are moms to kids who haven't yet left home, I think we will be talking fom within all the time!

Prats said...

@ps thats so well true and so not able to shake off habit...
do u make funny faces while talking within too???

Compassion Unlimitted said...

You can do it..and when u get it..its just takes time to delink from the perceived reality

oormila vijayakrishnan said...

Hey there. Writing to you while on vacation. Got some quiet moments so thought I would drop in on Emotional Ecology :-)
Nice post. I think the mind is one's biggest enemy if it is an unfettered one.Meditation tries to tame it but as some of the readers here have said, such balance comes only with great practice. I used to meditate some years back but now, even if I lie down and am free of stresses, I cannot get my mind to really calm down and be empty. I want to try the Art of Living technique.Someone suggested it to me saying git was a proven way to de-stress...