Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Digging up treasures!!

The art of patience...is being drilled into my head by my younger son. One would think , being a mother, I would be very tolerant and coo and drool over all their artwork and craftwork...
Yes, I do...I love each and every piece of it. Crooked, wonky, bare...yes...all of them. And not because i'm their mother. But because I see the glow in their eyes when they do them. Each color they use has a story behind it. ( yes it is explained too....Preethi, I'm sure you'll understand Nantu and his persistent questioning more now...). Each line they draw has a direction.
They are so pure and so uncomplicated. Simple, yes, thats what they are.
Last evening while my lil brat was finishing up a drawing for his school work....all about creation, the teacher had said. The words were, Day, night, stars and the moon, Adam and Eve, mountains, sky, etc....( Biblical stories, but learning after all)
He had in a typical child's eye, drawn out the coulds, birds, etc...the triangular mountains, the blue of the sea....and of course the brown sand and mud...with the 2 palm trees for special effect, and to top it all Adam and Eve...small stick figures, with very expressive eyes... ( Yes, I did see it in those miniature figures too)...but his brown coloring had stopped towards the end of the patch....and he had skipped on to his next work...( must have gotten tired, I thought! ) But being a pest of a mommy...I had to butt in and ask..
"What happened to the mud out here...washed out???"
" No! Adam and Eve are digging...."
Yes! absolutely divine, the answer was for me...and I prayed he would leave it like that, so I could promptly scan it in and send it off to his best critic and most loved aunt...my sister. But a few minutes later, when I was packing his suff in...I saw it was all coloured and completed.

He saw my confused 'dufus' look and said..."yeah! they finished and now they've filled it up with the mud. Just like how we do in the sand pit...remember? You told us to"

Case closed.

But come early morning, he drags me along, all dressed in crisp , uniform and white 'blancoed shoes', to the sand pit...."see what we all( I sighed...thank god there were others too!!) did last evening....awesome amma..we dug a tunnel through the jumping plates too...seeeeee...."
And this is for you'll to see....

(I'm sure Adam and Eve have not seen this , and hopefully so have some of the very stern , nosey neighbours)
P.S Normally they clean up and cover up the holes in the sand pits, but this time, I guess they were too proud and enamoured by their design prowess to think of rules and norms


Pratima said...

He is such a cutie and those brains have an answer all the time...pls scan and send me that drawing..its been long since I saw any of his "creations".

rayshma said...

but isn't the sand pit meant for them to play in? what do the neighbors want with it!?
how is it that kids have answers to everything...?

Shruti said...

HEY!! That looks like a giant paw!

Sairekha said...

I love the idea of the tunnel!! :) very coool!! :) He just won himself his next major fan! :)

Prats said...

@pratima...oh yes....and then we are left wondering where our brains took off...I will send those creations across...soon :)

@rayshma hehe of course it is...but they expect the kids to close up all the pits and tunnels, ...always wondered why...cos no older people should be there in the first place...

@shruthi hehe...yes! the paws of the giant mischievous imps..

@ziah :) He'll be very thrilled, that there is someone who actually loves it and is not breathing down their throats

Anonymous said...

hahah.. it looks like some rodents were busy making a new home. I hope they do cover it up, least some rodents manage to settle in there ;)

Preethi said...

oh yes I know.. their actions have more reason than ours!!! I just loved the idea of Adam and Eve digging.. you should have snapped a picture!!! Loved the tunnel, but seriously why do the neighbors have a problem with it?

Anonymous said...

how very cute!!!! the boy is very cute...whatta idea :))