To overcome :

The empty feeling that filled my being, long after the household had gone to sleep, unaware of the fear that it instilled in me. It was easy to switch off the media. But to overcome the impact of the cries, the staccato sounds, of gunfire
To overcome the hollowness, one feels, the feeling of helplessness. Yes, none of us could do anything, but pray, wring our hands and pray harder.

Can I overcome, the knowledge that the very men in power, wield their mikes as if it was their fluted glasses."Such small incidents" they say, **When asked at a press conference whether the terror strike was an intelligence failure, Patil said in Hindi: "Aisa nahi hai. Itne bade shahar mein chhota hadsa ho jata hai. To total failure nahi hai. (It is not like that. In big cities like this, small incidents do happen. It's is not a total failure.)"** 'cos they are snuggled safe in the knowledge that their kin was maybe safe at home, sipping masala chai...What if it were to be their own???
If the people crying out aren't their own, why seek their votes...
How to overcome the scenes that left their impact long after the world had cast their opinions. How can the parent overcome the loss, the families who are left asunder...
what should have been a night of fun, peace and relaxation..turning out to be a nightmare.

To overcome the near ruins that the beautiful building, that the Taj Hotel once was!
Can we overcome the need to blame?
To overcome the need to reach out but know not how!
To overcome the smaller details- wear a white shirt, light a candle, run a marathon
To overcome, the misery and depression one is left with
We sit out here...far away, thinking we are safe..but didn't the one's who were affected also think the same?
How to overcome the anger-That leaves you drained out.?
To overcome the disgust that makes us aware how poorly equipped we are in the form of proper equipment for those very men who are out trying to save our lives.
It is the time to overcome but not forget, to work toward building a stronger nation...physically, mentally and yes...
Enough talk of Mumbaikar's spirit...that's not reason enough for the ruthless men on a mission to let loose their brains and everything sensible behind.
When one of the arrested terrorists said " I want to live" what did he think, his victims, didn't want to live??
Teach the terrorists
To overcome
anger and violence.
But most of all to overcome
P.S Came across this at a friend' if anyone is interested...have a look
its so sickening.....!!...
still not able to overcome this!...
Very good post. You have a great site as well. I iwsh you the best, and look forward to reading more from you.
Such an utter and colossal failure of rescue operations can only mean that as citizens we have chosen incompetently and more than ever its now time to shake out of our grief and complacency to take an active part in how our lines of control are defended. As one blogger said, we need to demand accountability and in turn come forth and do our part to secure ourselves.
As for those who watched their kids burn to death or shot at - why were they forsaken? Difficult to keep faith - but for what its worth, all my prayers are for them.
it is not easy.. and it was sickening to see the politicians trying to make some mileage out of this also... and does anybody have news of our president whoz holidaying somewhere out there?
its a democracy...we shud boycott elections untill efficient candidates that are from the field they are supposed to minister are standing...dont keep quite prats...get heard...protest...write to newspaper...demand action...take legal justice...get heard...we need competant people leading the nation...dont lose that anger...keep it burning...
It is extremely disturbing. But to be honest, it was in Delhi '84 riots when I was 8 yrs old that I felt the world will come to an end as I had never seen anything that horrified and inhuman. But years passed and these inhuman acts happen again. How can we do something more than feeling sick and horrible. Like Ugich in her blog mentioned ( and Madhu in her comment here that we should demand accountability. We need change and fresh blood but do you see anyone in the current politics for that post?
lovely post.. but these terrorists are so far gone.. I am not sure they ever said they want to live.. they are suicidal and crazy!
thoughts very well defined...and yes overcome is the key today!
as for your last word "hatred"
it caught my eye..
tell me wht do u think hatred is?
u really think hatred exists...
for i believe that similarly as there is no such thing as cold...its the absence of heat; there's no such thing as hatred, but only absence of love.
P.S: nice blog. keep it up!
No.. We won't ever OVERCOME or GET OVER it....but we will and have learnt to live WITH it. u know wat i mean?
Anger n hatred...i donno if the terrorists actually feel that or anything at all for that matter prats....The men on the ground are merely excuting actions they have been ordered to. To Obey is all that they know!
as madhu said, we've chosen incompetently...its upto us to repair the damage...
my worst fear is that, instead of overcoming, it will be soon forgotten..until the next major jolt
I dont know... u know even i have the fear of what to write about this... for past 4 days trying to unveil my feelings regarding this, but...
may god help us and everyone who goes through such tough times...
You cant solve the problem of terrorism while the country has a non existant polity. Look at it this way - whats more dangerous - a speeding car with passengers - and a driver going on 120kmph who doesnt know how to drive - and a flat tyre. Its messed up babe!
Our politicians remind me of the cliched spoilt brat kids of rich folks we'd see in the 90's movies... come to folks for money, make promises... take the cash and squander it on booze and drugs! In spite of our facade, we all agree that we are politically dysfunctional. The point is how to fix it, realistically?
very well written Prats. This is exactly how I feel right now. Im not even Indian born but I feel this huge sense of hollowness and depression that I dunno how to OVERCOME. Its eating me alive.
And abt Hatred...I just dunno if we'll ever be able to overcome that. I think as long as the human race exists on this Earth, there'll always be Love as well as Hate. Sadly!
I just dunno HOW someone cud do that kinda thing to's so very hard for me to comprehend.
And the blame game will always be played...again, its human nature. Sadly!
*HUGZ* I hear ya Prats!
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