Looks like i've been pulled into this quagmire called vacations. Its been to easy to let go of schedules and sit back and look at re-runs of swimming, snacking, screaming all over...Suddenly I feel as if i'm in a tele serial. Don't know when it'll end. The age jump happens, and we still look the same...brains run in the same direction, whether its the older one's misbehaviour or the
younger one's tantrums.
But to look back and see a totally line-free (stress free) face,eyes shining bright with the anticipation of more play and less routine actually brings smiles to my exhausted face. It also goads me to reach into the cave of blogs and think up new posts...stir a few feathers and smooth yet some more.
This was when I remembered, the tag that Thinking aloud had passed on to me asking me to go flashback..Filmy?? naaah.....the visions of cycle wheels spinning to show that time had passed ,comes flashing ..
The tag goes like this:
These are the rules of the tag:
Post links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given : family, friend, yourself, your love, anything you like. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances so that you get to know them each a little bit better.
So all ye out there, hold tight while I send you across
Family ....
Aptly said :
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.-- Jane Howard
Oh yes!! I'll be lost without mine...and I have been showing it off once too often :), so bear with me while you know how insanity creeped in as they do this to me, while he does this all the time. This one is my favourite, 'cos she's not around for me to bully anymore.
Each time I travel...its a tale altogether..and here it gets spun all over
The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.-- Henry David Thoreau
Aint that true...
This one started off my poetic trails..., When she got married, I was too enraptured with the ceremony that I had to put it down here , when we all went travelling you think i'd leave you'll out? And then when you think of all those lovely blog friends i've made, and those who bring a spirit of joy into my life...I had written a post here . It never ends here...there are many
When I was created, maybe they forgot to put the stopper on my chatter..so here I went gloating about myself...
I started off thinking I had no idea where it would go..., got to realise I am as traditional as any would go . There are days when I can go off tangent...like when I had to offer this but I am a person who has to praise somebody if they are good and thank them when I've recieved something from them, be though a smile.
Your love:
Kids....I just love being around them. They bring that wonderful secret of joy into my life. And I spend many a time, doing stuff for them...I had blogged about it when I organised this
I love the beach! Yes...just love it endlessly...and you'll know how much here
I love reading poetry...and this was one of my favourites.. and then when I realised I was going on lining them down, I started this to sate my ego.
I love reading and I love blogging, you'll know how much if you just go to my blog roll....they are a wonderful bunch out there...
And with this....
Flashback ends...
Tan ta da.....
Don't know why, but this song just crawled into my mind.... I think I do...I'm always adding songs to suit my mood, or words or situation...so can I be far here :)
Since many have done or gotten tagged for this already...thought i'd leave it open. For all those wanting to delve into their past ..*feeling very devious* go ahead and pick this up....would love to come along and see what you'll have been upto...
drat where did that comment go? i tell you... today looks like its going to be one of those days...
the silver lining is reading this...:)
i had fun reading all the posts...of course i read them ALL...:)most of teh kid stuff i relate to...and i loved that calvin hobbes strip...hilarious...
u didn't link that fabulous poem u wrote on motherhood ...:)
*re-runs of swimming, snacking, screaming all over*...gosh life is the same everywhere isn't it...currently the bathroom is my fav place to be...:)
keep chattering...aur jaldi vapas aana,:D
i hope kids r having fun @ holidayz... the bliss of not having to pen the etxt book for one whole month :-D
had fun reading ur old posts.. whenever i read thsi tag, i keep telling that i have to do this... but lazy lazy me...
i dint read yur pld posts.. i dnt have the energy u knw :))
vacations... dnt remind me :-|
the kids nxt door are on vacation...damn it.. they start at 6 in the morning.. the chapar-chapar...that idiotic piano...GOd alone knows what all...all of this when u r desperately trying to get sme morning sleep. x-(
nothing against kids :)
but well everything against the neighbor duo :(
have a HAPPY vacation time.. catch on sme movies may be :))
kids on vacation is a lethal combination LOL!
Enjoy hun :)
hmm...good tag!..reminds me of my summer holidays!!!:))..[miss those days]
I just started reading this - the family stories with the children are precious :). I think liquid hand wash was my favorite as was the sketch. Who made it?
I shall read the other ones over chai this evening - looking forward!
It was fun reading it - it resembles a story they have here in the local papers.
They take a date and go past 10 - 15 - 30 whatever years and it is aptly titled "On this day in the past" and is alawys fun to read the transistion...
Hmm.. quite an insight into the blog itself. Stumbled upon your first post as a result.
@suma Your such a gem! The poem on motherhood, was part of this marathon, but last minute it decided to stay where it was.
Hope the bathroom walls are crack-free? ;)
@xh They are having fun and only fun. Absulutely no routine so they are stress free and relaxed.
**whenever i read thsi tag, i keep telling that i have to do this... but lazy lazy me...**
You must do this...its fun to see how your thought processes were when you started...
Aww no hassles at all..I understand ..
Looks like you've got a bunch of unconcerned neighbours. I never allow my kids to do the noise parade...and anyway...they are on the "I havent slept for years" routine now...so late rising ..
Will catch up movies too...
@brocasarea Thanks...since you're studying still, don't you still have the same routine? though at different times?
How's the schedule keeping you?
@madhumita Hey, thanks...and you must do a lot of chai-sipping and resting feet....
Those sketches were done by my lil brat....when he saw his mom had taken away all forms of hand wash from his sight....
Now when I look back, I feel so mean that I did that :)
But aren't we moms always on some guilt trip or the other?
This day, that year...I know , its on our papers too...
But yes...flashback to our lives.
And isn't this anyway like a diary?
So can read through and smile a while
@j Thanks and you're such a dear...first posts are very sentimental, though literary finess will never show up :D
teh walls?..i think it will last a few more bangs and thwacks...;)
soon i'll be taking my laptop there too...wait a min...what a briliant idea!!! :D
Very nice rendering of a nostalgia..//They bring that wonderful secret of joy into my life. // just lovely enjoed these lines very much
Hey girl!:) thanks for the tour:) My favourite post has long been the one with the illustrations on handwash:)
Me off again!:) Hopefully, my travelling should end soon. :)
aww my comment here from yday is missing :(
Prats come n check out my doll :)
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